Friday, October 29, 2010

Perception of Distance Learning

Distance learning as a whole has grown in the past 5 years. It has been incorporated in many K-12 environments as the teachers create their own websites, with adult education, and in corporations for training purposes. The growing acceptance of distance education is “fueled by an increase in online communication, practical experience with new tools, growing comfort with online discourse, and the ability to communicate with diverse and global groups” (Siemens, n.d.). The growing technology we have in our society is a big part in distance education increasing and the perception of it becoming a positive one. “The concept of distance education is exciting, and recent hardware and software innovations are making telecommunications distance education systems more available, easier to use, and less costly. Distance education has begun to enter the mainstream” (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek 2009). Distance education has been around for many years, but only within the past 5 has it grown in education and corporate businesses.

The question is what it will become in the future – next 5-10 years. This will depend on how our technology grows as distance education will be impacted by “new communication technologies, contribution by experts around the world, and increased use of multimedia, games, and simulations” (Siemens, n.d.). The more people embrace technology and the more technology creates, the bigger the opportunity there is for distance education to become even more popular than it currently is. It has seemed to have spread like wild fires throughout all areas of our world and predictions indicate that it will likely become the preferred method for courses and/or training. It provides many benefits that more people are gaining access to and although it is unlikely face-to-face traditional classroom will disappear, I can see it becoming drastically less of what people want. For K-12, it would be difficult for children to have the discipline for solely distance learning to be beneficial to them, but for adult education and the business environment, it offers so much potential and allows corporations to interact with different offices around the world bringing the communication level to an all-time high and increased productivity (Siemens, n.d.).

To keep distance learning growing, it is also the responsibility of the Instructional Designers and Facilitators to promote this type of learning. For me, I am an advocate of distance learning and truly believe it is the better option for some learners and learning environments (e.g., corporate trainings). In my career, I fought to incorporate online courses into our training program and offer it for associates to attend at their desks as well as blended learning in the classroom for our new hires. After months of research and presentations on the benefits, it was agreed that this would work for our corporation and software was purchased to make this happen. Currently, material has been created for the blended learning environment in our new hire classes. The facilitator is there to provide the content and the learners go online to take the assessments, some activities, and simulations. It has improved our new hire class greatly and after initial quarks were worked out, it is the preferred method for our site. Online courses for the associates to complete at their desks on their own time are currently being developed and will hopefully be implemented by the end of the year. The managers are raving about this new opportunity training has provided and we anticipate many requests for online training. It has also been shared with our other sites across the United States and that has proven to be a huge benefit because we are now all delivering the same information.

Keeping the exciting perceptions of distance learning alive in the company is going to be a challenge as the programs we have don’t allow for everything people are going to want. There are restrictions that we will have to overcome and at the same time keep promoting this type of education and its benefits. Another key challenge will be “bridging the gap of comfort for the learners” (Siemens, n.d.). Most associates have a high school diploma and very little are savvy with technology beyond their job requirements. My next job is to make sure I create something that will help them be comfortable with the new learning environment and we plan on holding orientation sessions to help everyone become familiar with the programs we’ll be using and provide them with the knowledge needed to be successful in the online training modules. Continually improving the content will also help the perception of the distance learning courses as well as being sure to keep it interactive, fun, and non-stressful. The goal is for us to create an easier way to train everyone and be sure we are able to reach as many associates as possible.

Distance learning “provides the opportunity to widen intellectual horizons, as well as the chance to improve and update professional knowledge. Further, it stresses individuality of learning and flexibility in both the time and place of study” (Simonson, et al. 2009). Distance learning has many benefits that outweigh the main downfall of no face-to-face interaction with the facilitator because webcams have helped bridge that gap. It is the Instructional Designer’s job to create an interactive course that will be beneficial to each group of learners and the Facilitator’s job to support the learners to ensure their success. Instructional Designers and Facilitators need to work together so the idea behind what the ID has created is communicated to the Facilitator so they can in turn communicate that to the learners (Piskurich, n.d.). Ultimately, distance learning is only going to be as successful as we all make it.


Piskurich, G. (n.d.). Facilitating Online Learning. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

Siemens, G. (n.d.). The Future of Distance Education. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 27, 2010, from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek S. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Converting to a Distance Learning Format

This week in class, we were given this scenario: A training manager has been frustrated with the quality of communication among trainees in his face-to-face training sessions and wants to try something new. With his supervisor’s permission, the trainer plans to convert all current training modules to a blended learning format, which would provide trainees and trainers the opportunity to interact with each other and learn the material in both a face-to-face and online environment. In addition, he is considering putting all of his training materials on a server so that the trainees have access to resources and assignments at all times.

To help this training manager in their excursion to convert the classroom content to distance learning content, I created a best practice guide they can utilize throughout the conversion process for a successful distance learning course.

Best Practices for Converting Classroom to Distance Learning

When an instructional designer or facilitator decides to convert their classroom content to a distance learning environment, there may be a lot of questions and anxiety. Utilize these best practices to guide you through the conversion process for a successful distance learning course.

1. Pre-planning Strategies

Converting classroom material to a distance learning environment requires some items that need to be pre-planned before diving in.

Storyboard and Sitemap

A big part of the pre-planning strategy would be developing a storyboard and sitemap. According to the course video Developing Online Courses, a storyboard is a document that maps out the flow of the course and includes the content, resources, learning objectives, assignments, and evaluations. The video describes a sitemap as a document that’s created after the storyboard and shows how the students will move through the online environment (e.g., what is linked together, how they will access the file and resources, and how they will end the day). These two items are created in the development stage and are a great outline to use when creating distance learning content.

Structuring the Course

This is where the facilitator needs to clearly explain the expectations of the course to the students, what their responsibilities are, what is expected of the facilitator, and determine how often the students will meet online and in the classroom. It is essential that “the students understand how the course will function so that they can be better prepared to participate. The more informed the students [are] the greater chance for success” (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek 2009). To accomplish this, the facilitator will need to create a syllabus that ensures clear expectations and communication. “An instructor needs to provide enough information within the syllabus that students are able to understand the structure of the course, expectations and assignments, and the assessment process” (Simonson, et al. 2009). The students will utilize the syllabus to determine what their role and responsibilities are in this course allowing for them to prepare for a successful learning experience.


Hosting all of the material on a server is a good idea; however there are many options to choose from. The main question that needs to be addressed is what type of server, a Course Management System (CMS) or Learning Management System (LMS)? It is important to read the difference between a CMS and LMS to ensure the right one is chosen as the focus of each is different. A good research article that discusses the differences is Watson and Watson’s An Argument for Clarity: What are Learning Management Systems, What are They Not, and What Should They Become? This article defines a CMS and LMS and discusses their similarities and differences. Once the type of management system is determined, research the programs offered to decide which one is best suited for the course (e.g., Blackboard, Moodle, etc.).

A second crucial part to technology is to ensure the students have access and can utilize the management system chosen as well as any other technology being used. If students do not have access to the technology or it is not easy to gain access, then there is frustration from the student that takes away from their learning experience. On the other hand, if the students have access to it but are unsure how to use the technology, then that is also decreasing their learning abilities (Piskurich & Chauser, n.d.). The purpose of the technology is to enhance the face-to-face interaction in a blended session. If the technology is too much for the students, then their learning experience is not a positive one.

2. Distance Learning Enhancing Original Classroom Material

When converting classroom material to online delivery, it is important to incorporate the following:

Delivery Method

The main decision of how this course will be delivered has been decided – blended learning. However, there are a few more important decisions to make involving how the content will be delivered. For example, will it be teacher centered or student centered? “The student centered learning fits well into distance education environments” because adult learners come to distance learning expecting a self-directed approach (Simonson, et al. 2009). For a blended learning course, the student centered approach is crucial during the online portion and the teacher centered approach will need to be included in the face-to-face facilitation. To determine which one is a best delivery method, “apply your project constraints to your first choice of delivery methods and see if it will work. If it won’t, eliminate it and move on to your second preference. Keep working through each of your preferred delivery methods until you find the one that will accommodate all the constraints of your training project” (Piskurich, n.d.). Whatever delivery method is chosen, it will need to ensure there is a lot of engagement for the learners through interaction.

Instructional Method

The instructor needs to determine the appropriate instructional methods they will use in delivering the content. They need to consider their options: asynchronous or synchronous. “What is of essence when considering the choices is that the methods selected for a distance setting match the types of outcomes defined by the objectives and the assessments to be implemented” (Simonson, et al. 2009). The type of instructional method chosen, dictates what’s used for delivering the content. For instance, in an asynchronous class, blogs and wikis are utilized most to engage the learners in the content where as a synchronous environment is more face time with video based content. When choosing the instructional method, be sure to select one that will engage the learners and meet the objectives.

Learning Community

The facilitator needs to create a learning community for both the students and the instructor. A great way to do this is through discussion threads. Discussion threads are communities where learners come together and post a response to a topic presented by the facilitator and then begin commenting on each other’s posts to create an “open discussion”. “The instructor should examine the facilitation of the discussion by each person – the building of a community of understanding” (Simonson, et al. 2009). Discussion threads are a key part to distance learning so be sure to clarify the role of the instructor and students to ensure successful discussions.

Another good option is to create icebreakers where the students and instructor learn more about each other allowing for a more open environment. “The icebreaker’s role is to help build a sense of trust among the members of the group. By gaining knowledge about each member of the class, the opportunities for communications and collaborations are enhanced” (Simonson, et al. 2009).


Activities keep the learners engaged throughout an online course where there is no face-to-face interaction. Even in a blended learning course, interaction online is essential so learners are encouraged to participate in the environment online as well as in the classroom. To determine what activities to incorporate, conduct an analysis of the course and its objectives. Then meet with the subject matter experts for their insight on what information to include and what kind of activities would complement the content (Piskurich & Chauser, n.d.). Once that is complete, then the facilitator and/or designer can build the activities from that information.

Converting classroom activities to online activities is a matter of finding what online application will be similar to that in the classroom. For example, if a classroom module had a topic for open discussion, convert that to a discussion thread in the distance-learning environment. If there were videos shown in the classroom and then small groups discussed them, convert that to creating small groups online and uploading the video to their group. Then the group can post their thoughts and insights on the video and comment on each other’s’ posts. Most applications done in the classroom can be successfully completed online, it just takes some creativity.

3. Facilitator’s Role in Distance Learning

The role of the facilitator in a distance learning course is less prominent than in a face-to-face environment. Piskurich discusses some key concepts that the facilitator needs to keep in mind when instructing a distance learning course in his video Facilitating Online Learning.

4. Encouraging Online Communication

When the classroom is online, communication is essential. The most effective way to encourage communication is with a discussion thread. A “threaded discussion is one of the most powerful techniques used in distance education” (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek 2009). The goal of a discussion thread is to create an open community for learning. Follow the checklist below on how to set up an effective discussion thread for the facilitator and learners (Bouchat, 2006).


Bouchat, C. J. (2006, October 30). Beyond Self-Teaching Online: Using the Threaded Discussion in Distance Education [Electronic version]. Learning Solutions Magazine. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

Piskurich, G. (n.d.). Delivery Analysis. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 13, 2010, from

Piskurich, G. (n.d.). Facilitating Online Learning. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from

Piskurich, G., & Chauser, J. (n.d.). Planning and Designing Online Courses. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 7, 2010, from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek S. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Watson, W. R., & Watson S. L. (2007). An Argument for Clarity: What are Learning Management Systems, What are They Not, and What Should They Become? TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 51, 28-34.

*Could not find a way to attach a PDF document to blog, so copy and pasted instead.*

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Impact of Open Source

When designing a distance learning course, the planning process is the most important part because it is the stage in which all of the thinking, outlining, discussions with SME’s, and other items happen. It is the sketch in pencil before drawing in pen. With that in mind, it’s the Instructional Designer’s job to complete this planning process. They must think of the learners, technology, ability of the learners with technology, interactivity, assessments, feedback, and the delivery method (Piskurich & Chauser).

I found an open course that is a good example of careful planning a distance education site and course, the Open Yale Courses website (found at: For me, I can tell a storyboard was used for this site, and if it wasn’t, then the designer did a good job of organizing the flow of everything. The site is easy to navigate through with clear directions on the Home, Courses, and other pages. The home page clearly states the objective of this site and what it strives to provide to its users. That adds a good element to the site because the users don’t have to search and see if this is what they are looking for; the first page lets them know what the purpose is and then they can decide if it will work for them to continue to explore the site, or to move on to another one. The layout of the site is clean and I would say the designer utilized a site map to decide how the site was going to look. It has calming colors with the font contrasting the background adding for easy readability. There is a lot of information without making it look cluttered as well.

Moving past the looks and beginning thoughts of the site, it continues to appear that the designer followed many of the course textbook recommendations for online instruction. The designer needs to “be concerned with the layout of the courseware and the types of resources available to the students at the distant sites” (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek 2009). This designer took that into consideration. When going into the courses, each one provides detailed information about the instructor, the course, and the course structure. Each class page is set up the same, allowing for easy navigation, which shows that the designer put thought into the learners’ usage of the site. They didn’t create it to be too intimidating for the non-frequent technology users. However, it may appear to be a little too mundane for the frequent technology users (Piskurich & Chauser), but when designing, we need to consider the bottom 25% and I think this designer did that, which in my eyes, makes it successful. To create for the frequent technology users would make the content too intimidating for the other group to try and they would be missing out on a good learning experience. The designer did “balance concern for the operation for the equipment with effective teaching” (Simonson, et al. 2009).

The delivery method that appears to have been chosen is the learner-led asynchronous course (Piskurich & Chauser). All of the sessions are accessible for the learner to complete at their own pace. The designer chose the linear-design model for instruction where “students move in the same path through the concepts, topics, and modules, and complete the same assessments and tests” (Simonson, et al. 2009). The material is delivered through course pages and course media. The media has a high bandwidth and medium bandwidth option, which shows the designer ensured that the learners and facilitators have access to the technology selected (Piskurich & Chauser). The courses have interactivity through discussions and participation, which according to our textbook is “one of the most effective techniques to promote interaction in distance education” (Smaldino, et al. 2009). Some courses have activities with groups, while others stick to just discussions. It appears that it depends on the type of course and the courses objectives as to how much interactivity is embedded.

Overall, this site impressed me and is a great example of how pre-planning can make the site and course(s) successful for many, if not all, learners. The other aspect to this site that is impressive is the fact that each course has a survey link and the site has a feedback link. All of the resources we have learned in my Instructional Designer degree put big emphasis on feedback and continually to improve the content. The designer of the Open Yale website conveys that they understand the importance of feedback and is willing to receive it from all angles to keep improving the distance learning experience they are providing. I will certainly keep this website in mind when doing my own planning process as it displays what the resources in this course were discussing.


Piskurich, G., & Chauser, J. (n.d.). Planning and Designing Online Courses. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved October 7, 2010, from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek S. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.